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Rod Reasen, CEO of Springbuk In Hitechies Podcast With Pramod Dhakal

Rod Reasen, CEO of Springbuk In Hitechies Podcast With Pramod Dhakal
In this Hitechies Podcast we have CEO of Springbuk, Rod Reasen. As the CEO of Springbuk, Rod Reasen imagines a world where every health care decision is backed and guided by data. He co-founded Springbuk in 2015 with a vision to empower self-funded employers and their benefits advisors to prevent disease with data.

Who is Rod Reasen ?

Through Rod’s leadership, Springbuk was developed as a benefit analytics platform that applies the latest technology and data science methodologies to provide deep analytic insights that facilitate data-informed decisions to help employers optimize their employee health benefit investments. Before launching Springbuk, Rod founded a benefits and wellness consulting firm into one of the largest in the Midwest, and he launched the nationally recognized Healthiest Employers award program designed to recognize America’s top 100 healthiest workplaces.Springbuk is a health intelligence software empowering everyone in your health ecosystem to glean actionable insights into improving your population’s wellbeing while reducing excess spending.By combining data analytics with data science, Springbuk utilizes artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning to help employers identify and predict employees at risk of certain diseases using a database of over 233 million unique claims.In this conversation ….

  • Rod’s Challenges as entrepreneur
  • Journey as entrepreneur 
  • Diversity
  • Working Culture of Springbuk 
  • Springbuk as Company
  • Healthcare Sector
  • Leadership Motivation
  • COVID19 and the impact on the business
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